I my jsme se připojili k výzvě  rouskyvsem. Zatím šijeme pro sebe a své rodiny, abychom zabezpečili chod firmy. Poté začneme šít pro zaměstnance hudysport a uvidíme co dál.

Všem pevné zdravi!  (video ve zprávě)

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There is no better experience than going out into nature to enjoy the snow.

Due to many questions about how to take care about the equipment during the COVID-19 crisis, we are publishing a brief guide.


Production of Rock Empire 100% Cotton Masks.  1-time Use Filters (made from nano-fibers) are also available.

Rock Empire has started production of textile masks designed to include a filter.  We now also have available insertable 1-time use filters made from nano fibers from Czech firm NANOTEX Group s.r.o., which are sold separately.